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Moffett Creek Capstone Projects


The Moffett Creek Capstone Projects (MCCP) are focusing on

developing materials and information for the upper Moffett

Creek watershed which encompasses approximately 45,000

acres of mixed terrain. The first Capstone cohort finished up in

the spring of 2019 and then passed the torch to another set of

students from the Southern Oregon University Environmental

Science and Policy program.

Under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency included the Scott River in

the list of impaired waters for excessive levels of suspended

sediment and elevated water temperature. These water quality

parameters are known to impact the habitat and survival of

salmonid species and the designated beneficial uses which work

to protect cold water, migratory fish and habitat. In 2005, the

North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board

(NCRWQCB) adopted the Action Plan for the Scott River

Sediment and Temperature Total Maximum Daily Loads

(TMDL). Sedimentation from the Moffett Creek drainage has

been identified as one of the main contributors to the Scott

River’s impairment status.

Southern Oregon University’s Environmental Science and

Policy Program’s Capstone Projects are focused on the

utilization of the culmination of skills, methodology, and

knowledge learned in the undergraduate curriculum. A mixed

methods research using both quantitative and qualitative

approaches and focused on the following areas: GIS, remote

sensing and mapping - Drone photos were taken and

georeferenced; Data collection and analysis including

longitudinal cross sections profiles, flow and velocity data

analysis; Model potential effects of restoration using StellaⓇ, a

systems dynamics model, and developed an Environmental

Impact Statement for a watershed Programmatic Permit.

Good luck Moffett Creek Team 2019/2020!

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