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Restoring Priority Coho Habitat in the Scott River Watershed Modeling and Planning Report

This report summarizes the key findings from a conceptual analysis that was used to identify and prioritize high value restoration sites and stream reaches where coho rearing habitat can be enhanced within key cold water reaches of the Scott River system. There is a critical need to increase the quantity, quality and availability of complex, deep, slow water habitats for summer and over-winter rearing coho salmon within the Scott River system.  It is important that a full understanding of the totality of the current condition of the Scott River Watershed be taken into context when trying to assess desirable conditions. Much of the historic range of habitat used by coho salmon consisted of the low gradient reaches of the Scott River and its tributaries. The loss of floodplain connectivity at varying flow regimes has critically reduced the available habitat to support juvenile salmon. Click below for full report.

Full Report - Restoring Priority Coho Habitat in the Scott River Watershed Modeling and Planning Report 

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

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