Scott River Watershed Council
The Scott River Watershed Council gives thanks daily to the support and cooperation of the participating landowners, because without their dedication to restoration, our work would not be possible.
Also, a huge thank you to our faithful funding sources, both the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Bella Vista Foundation.
Our work in the Scott River watershed would not be possible without your ongoing support and belief in our work.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, thank you for the funds for the past year and half,
allowing us to monitor the impacts of our projects. Partners like the Klamath National Forest, the Etna Police Activities League and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife are invaluable to the work we do within the Scott River Watershed.
Finally, thank you to NOAA Fisheries for your tireless effort to help move California forward using adaptive management practices, such as beaver dam analogues.
We could not ask for better partners in this critical work.
And of course, we would be remiss if we did not mention our truest of partners, the beaver.
Thank you to all.